You must make a GIF including an ostrich with a computer.
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Second Super GIF Contest

Ah, it be that time of year again. That's right! This is the Second Super GIF Contest!!! For this contest, you must make a moving GIF that includes an ostrich with a computer. It is preffered that you do not make it huge. When you are done, send your moving GIF along with a title and small description to! Limited to one entry per person.

The Contest is over. Results below.

FIRST PLACE - Don't Eat The Mouse!

Made by: Phoenix J.

Description: An ostrich decided to try using the computer mouse - With shocking results!

SECOND PLACE - Why an Ostrich REALLY Sticks His Head in the Ground

Made by: Ryan M.

Description: Our hidden camera unwraps the mystery behind the age-old question of why an ostrich sticks his head in the ground! You'll be surprised what it shows!

SECOND PLACE - The Typing Ostrich

Made by: Griffin J.

Description: This ostrich isn't very productive.


Made by: Federal Bureau of Ostrichtopia

Description: An example GIF made to show you an example of what you can do with this GIF contest.